We are really excited to offer an easy way to give! You can simply click the give button below or give simply and easily on your smartphone using Pushpay for your tithes, offerings, building fund, Lifegroup resources and special events!
To start, text LIFEPOINTBC to 77977 and you will receive a link to our custom giving page. Or you can text PUSHPAY to 77977 and you will receive a link to download the app.
Pushpay currently accepts Visa, MasterCard, and as well ACH (bank account) gifts! Note: to reduce fees that Lifepoint will pay, we encourage you to use the bank draft instead of the credit card. Lifepoint is not encouraging credit card debt, please steward your resources wisely.
When you send 'LIFEPOINTBC' to 77977 you will receive a onetime reply containing a link to give to Organization (1msg/request). Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions please visit https://pushpay.com/terms. For the Privacy Policy please visit https://pushpay.com/privacy. For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel.